Meet Our Producers of Immortelle
Our relationship with our producers is precious, and built on trust and mutual respect. They're the ones who grow the locally sourced, traceable ingredients that lie at the heart of our products. We have long-term, non-exclusive contracts with our producers, pay them a fair price, and provide them with technical and financial support. But we want to go even further…
Our aim: to have a Fair Trade relationship with all our direct producers by 2025.
The Immortelle Flower
If you don’t know about the Immortelle flower from Corsica, let us tell you about her.
This strong and resilient plant grows in extremely harsh conditions in the Corsican Maquis. Swept by salty winds from the Mediterranean sea and drenched in intense sunlight, she bears the name of Immortelle because she doesn’t wither, even after being picked. She offers endless possibilities in terms of beauty care such as: the Immortelle Essential Oil, the Immortelle Oil Extract and the Immortelle Aqueous Extract. However, unrevealed extracts were still hiding in plain sight up until very recently.
20 years of research, and yet the flower still doesn't cease to amaze us!

Pascale Chérubin
“Life is made of opportunities and those opportunities pave your way! I have the chance today to grow 7 hectares of Immortelle flowers. My family and I live in the middle of our fields, even if I’m not there every day. It defines the rhythm of our lives and it is an integral part of our daily life.”
Stephan Francisci

“I was the first to grow immortelle flowers in Corsica – although it was a complete unknown to me. You do this job because you are passionate about the flower, not for financial gain. And then, one day, without realising it, you manage to earn a living! Some people never live out their passion and I am proud to do so.”

Catherine Sanci
“I had to learn about the plant from the ground up. There were very hard years and I learned everything on the job. My father always said: if something is worth doing, it’s worth well. I learned about distillation through the immortelle plant and thanks to this outstanding flower, I started to fall in love with my job. You can climb mountains when you are passionate about what you do. Now I’ve mastered distillation but I still have the desire to discover plants I don’t know. It has been an enduring adventure beyond my wildest dreams!”

The Benefits of Immortelle

Anti-Ageing Skincare