Lavender Lavender


Discover the many benefits of the French lavender* plant! Some 2,000 years ago, it arrived in Provence with the Romans. French lavender now thrives in the region's hot, dry climate and is appreciated for its soothing and healing properties. Moreover, growing lavender has also become an essential element of the Provençal landscape and economy. Renowned for its beautiful lavender scent and numerous benefits, this plant has been used for therapeutic purposes for centuries.

Having entered into the composition of our products, lavender has remained a very dear ingredient to L'OCCITANE.

Lavender Uses

Lavender is part of our DNA Lavender is part of our DNA

Lavender is part of our DNA

Lavender has been part of the L’Occitane DNA for decades. We've been harnessing its benefits, using only fine lavender, Lavandula angustifolia, as it yields the very best essential oil. This lavender oil is protected by the PDO label – a guarantee of quality and traceability.
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Its Properties

We use lavender for its relaxing properties and exquisite scent in our body care products, which include our much-loved Foaming Bath and Eau de Cologne. Being part of a complex of different essential oils, lavender is also used as a key ingredient in some of our Aromachologie products.

Key Facts

Many Lavender flowers for few essential oil Many Lavender flowers for few essential oil

Many Lavender flowers for few essential oil

Distillation is carried out just after harvesting. 1 ton of lavender flowers yields 8 kg of essential oil.
A L'Occitane heritage A L'Occitane heritage

A L'Occitane heritage

The first lavender harvest reserved for L'OCCITANE took place in 1977.
Lavender growing conditions Lavender growing conditions

Lavender growing conditions

Fine lavender grows at an altitude of anything from 600 to 1,700 metres!

What Is Blue Gold Week?

The Blue Gold Week celebrates the harvest week of lavender sourcing from local cooperatives in the south of France.

Harvesting takes place from late July to August, when the intense heat causes the essential oil content in the lavender flowers to rise. Most harvesting is done mechanically. The lavender sprigs should be picked just before the flowers open, when they're at their most fragrant.

What Is Blue Gold Week? What Is Blue Gold Week?
How Does L'Occitane Contribute to Protect Lavender? How Does L'Occitane Contribute to Protect Lavender?

How Does L'Occitane Contribute to Protect Lavender?

Under threat from drought-like conditions and disease-carrying insects, lavender is in decline. Since 2012, L'OCCITANE has been supporting French research institutes in their efforts to find ecological solutions to save lavender. To contribute to the local economy, we source all our lavender exclusively from cooperatives in the south of France.

Discover More


“Our farm specialises in the production of fine PDO lavender (Protected Designation of Origin - ‘AOC’ in French). This type of lavender is grown from seeds, and we order certified seeds from the French institute for perfume, medicinal and aromatic plants (iteipmai). We therefore grow our own seedlings, unlike hybrid and clonal lavender, which is grown from cuttings.
We start the seeds in our greenhouses, before planting the seedlings in our fields. We really know where our lavender comes from! "

"We refuse to use chemicals when the lavender is in full bloom: they are harmful to bees and they would pollute our lavender. Local beekeepers install their hives in our fields."


*L’OCCITANE sources its supplies from cooperatives in Provence and the Bleu Provence distillery, and has established a multi-year partnership with the local supply chain, in order to guarantee minimum prices and volumes. In 2016, L’OCCITANE renewed its contracts for an additional four-year period, thus helping to maintain the cultivation of fine lavender on the plateau of Haute-Provence.

Lavender Body & Fragrance Range